Bone Grafting

Your smile says a lot about you, and it can often be the first impression people get ofSmiling woman in dental office you when they meet you in person. If your teeth aren’t looking their best, then it might be hard to get past that initial impression and make new friends or maintain old ones, let alone do well at your job. Fortunately, though, there are many different dental treatments out there to give you the smile you always wanted, and bone grafts are one of them!

Step 1: Prepping for Success

Smile Design Los Angeles has a team who will work closely with you to plan out your new smile so that it looks and feels natural. The first step is deciding what type of bone graft is best for you based on your needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Step 2: Surgical Procedure

The procedure to get the bone grafts can vary in degrees of complexity. The surgeon will extract bone fragments from areas that have healthy bone and then use those fragments to repair any areas of your jawbone that are missing or damaged. The goal may be achieved in one of two ways:

1. A graft can be taken from the hip or tibia and transplanted into your jaw
2. An allograft (cadaver bone) may be used to help fill in gaps where there is a lack of a healthy jawbone.

The surgery will leave a few stitches behind to encourage proper healing, but it’s possible to have them removed a week after surgery. Patients are prescribed pain medication for recovery. You can typically resume your normal activities in a couple of months and experience minimal to no pain afterwards. If you follow all of your doctor’s post-operative instructions, you will be able to achieve optimal results and achieve your dream smile!

Step 3: Recovery

After surgery, you’ll need about 6-8 weeks for your body to heal and for the grafts to fuse with your skull. Once you’ve had your surgery, it is important to follow the doctor’s orders for recovery. You will be given pain medication as needed to manage any discomfort that may come as a result of the surgery. It is also crucial to follow a strict post-operative regimen, which includes:

  • Resting in bed
  • Eating soft foods
  • Drinking plenty of fluids
  • Not smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Regularly practicing mouth exercises
  • Developing and maintaining an effective oral hygiene routine, such as brushing and flossing
  • Avoiding alcohol or hot liquids until all stitches are removed is necessary to ensure proper healing time and avoid infections.


Bone Grafts don’t have to be a daunting experience. Smile Design Los Angeles wants each patient who undergoes this procedure to know they’re not alone; their surgeons want them to heal quickly and comfortably!